Tag Archives: Paranormal

Fahrusha: Anomalous

Fahrusha taken by Chris Geier

When I see that Fahrusha reads crystal balls while perusing her website, I have the impression that I am finally going to meet the gypsy backroom fortune-teller of cultural lore.  I’m shocked to find that contrary to the implications of her name and profile, Fahrusha is an earth mother type, one you could plunk down in the middle of my nature-worshipping home town of Taos, New Mexico, with ease.  I can see her drinking a green smoothie and watching the sun set over the mountains; except for the fact that she’s totally East coast, that is.

She’s from Jersey, not  the middle east, doesn’t sport a  gypsy accent, and is in fact without any gimmicks at all. She took the name Fahrusha when she began belly dancing many years ago, and kept it for professional purposes.  She has a solid reputation, has been on The View, in the New York Times, was featured as a New York Magazine psychic star, and even does handwriting analysis for Tiger Beat.

She grew up in a fairly average working class family, although she says her mother was intuitive, and her father was downright psychic and could see and speak to the dead.  She wants none of that, and although she has seen spirits, it’s not her thing.  She leans on the tarot and pictures for her readings, sees, gets impressions, and also hears voices on occasion.

She’s careful about speaking in absolutes,  not wanting to collapse the  possibilities and choices available in the Multiverse (as in Quantum Physics not making a wave into a particle, thereby leaving open the stage for free will), and is the most scientifically knowledgeable psychic I have spoken to thus far.  She’s expansive, and interested in the possibilities of things like the existence of aliens or inter-dimensional beings, the future we are facing on earth as humans, the overall themes facing society.  She makes mood stabilizing crystal jewelry, which speaks to her love of and respect for the Earth.  She’s not in the business of peddling her wares, but does make things for clients upon request.  Crystals have a very gentle energy, and are soothing.  She says people who go around making grand claims about the immediate effects of crystals don’t really understand that they simply emanate a sweet natural vibration that can help to ease some discomfort and stress.

To enhance her knowledge and experience, she has affiliated herself with The Monroe Institute, which was founded by the late Robert Monroe and is now led by Paul Rademacher, a former minister, and “Skip” Atwater, who once led the Defense Intelligence Agency‘s Remote Viewing Program.   She enjoys what they have to offer as well as their philosophy, which asks only that each person consider that they might be more than a body and a brain.  Everything else is up in the air.

I’m pretty sure it’s the blank look I get on my face-when she tells me that everything is happening at the same time because time is but a construct of our human brains and perceptions-that prompts her to suggest several books to read (listed in the book recommendation section of this blog) so that I can better understand concepts of physics and theories about time and space. She is, when all is said and done, a highly intellectual and scientifically propelled individual.  Because of this she is loathe to draw conclusions about anything, careful to speak to her own experiences rather than making sweeping statements about the nature of the universe. Still, there are things, mysterious things that must have an explanation somehow; she just doesn’t know what it is.

Does she believe in past lives? Not sure. What she does know is that when she was three years old, she found a piece of Egyptian cloth in her Grandmother’s things, put it on and began belly dancing even though she was never taught. Still, she rattles off a few alternate possibilities to account for that phenomenon.

How does she do a reading?  Some of it is common sense.  She reads people’s body language, sure.  She remarks on my light shade of lipstick, and says she could deduce a few things from that, or handwriting or any other number of pseudo-scientific methods.  And when someone is asking about the boyfriend they drunk-texted last night, she can pretty easily tell them without any assistance from the ethers that such a behavior is generally not recommended.  But there are other things that she cannot explain, like the dog she helped find through remote viewing (where she sees through the dog’s eyes to find out where it is), or the time she felt herself pushed into an Italian specialty store and missed being crushed by a taxi that killed two people, and most especially the seven-foot tall Nordic angel/alien type creature she saw with her actual two eyes and had a conversation with.

Still, she shrugs and says, “Who knows?”

As to free will vs. fate, she has an interesting take:  if we love chocolate, and we have the very best piece of chocolate in front of us but she tells us that it’s going to be terrible for us, we are so conditioned to eat the chocolate that we will probably do it.  She can see the most likely trajectory and most of the time we are behaviorally predictable.  Does that mean we can’t change it?  No.  Just, it’s not so likely.  Our personalities and behaviors are so developed that stepping out of them takes great effort and consciousness. All things should be possible though, she says…in theory.

She does think there’s something to the manifesting thing.  When her daughter was little, she made a square on a piece of paper, drew Fahrusha inside the square, and titled it “Mommy on TV”.  Within the week she was on David Letterman.  And me, I qualify as a case in point.  She had a thought that she might like to do a couple of blogs, and again, within the week I was one of two people asking for a blog interview.  On my end, she is the first person I contacted that wasn’t referred to me. I was just poking around on the internet, and found her in a few articles, so I wrote her on the off-chance she might be interested.  Was it related?  Who knows?  Maybe, maybe not.

That night I dream about Fahrusha.  She’s standing in the corner of my room with a piece of paper, telling me things she forgot in the interview.  “You can do this?” I ask her.  “You can get into my dreams?”  She doesn’t answer, just hands me the paper and disappears.

The next day when I wake up I want to call her, to ask her if it was real.  I don’t though, because I get the feeling that she would just say, “Anything is possible.  Who knows?”

Fahrusha can be reached at fahrusha@fahrusha.com. Her blog address is http://fahrusha.wordpress.com and her website is http://www.fahrusha.com

Interview with Psychic Christiana McMahon

Interview with Christiana McMahon October 18, 2010

She’s not what you picture when you hear the word psychic.  She’s not creepy looking, no warts on the nose, no gypsy shawl.  She’s a bubbly blue eyed blonde, with a cute body and a big smile.  She looks a little corporate, like you might run into her at a high power business meeting somewhere.  But when she starts talking, she is a reminder never to judge a book by its cover, because she is saying things, controversial things, with such tenacity and confidence that you are a little taken aback.  There’s no quavering voice, no hesitation.  She just knows things, and this is her experience.

I have so many questions that I spend my first five minutes jumping on everything she says, before I finally calm down long enough to give her a chance to answer.

When she was young, a little girl in Texas, and a people pleasing outgoing one at that, she warned her teacher that her fiancé was about to leave her, and told her not to be sad when he did.  Her teacher, for whom she had a starstruck  worship, scolded her and sent her to the principal’s office.  She was devastated.  When her fiancé left her a few weeks later, she had Christiana removed from her class.  Christiana learned early on that there are consequences for knowing things you aren’t supposed to know.

She has always been able to read minds, especially when people are in a heightened emotional state. People ask her if it’s like Sookie Stackhouse (from HBO’s Trueblood).  They must have done their research because that’s exactly what it’s like.

She’s happy to be working from home.  Besides the whole hearing people’s thoughts thing, it’s too hard to work in an office when you’re trying to ignore the fact that the boss’ dead grandfather is standing next to him. She’s making a joke, but my stomach turns at the thought.

She went years repressing her gift. Like any kind of repression, you can convince yourself of almost anything with enough practice.  She sees how a person could end up in an institution if they lacked a strong constitution.  You don’t have to be a high soul to be a psychic, to possess this talent.  Whether you are a charlatan, or weak, it can be a bad situation all around.

She does readings either in person or over the phone, but says she almost prefers the phone because she is not distracted by body language and visible expectations.  Either way, after a blessing, she asks that whatever comes through be only for the client’s greater good.  Because she is both clairaudient and clairvoyant, she gets messages in various ways.  She has a council of guides and angels, as well as people who have passed, who help to clear a path so that the guides specific to her client can come through.  She feels that they protect her, and funnel information in a way that she can understand. She is “contracted” to tell you what she sees, so the filter happens before it gets to her.

People get angry when she fails to give the answers they want, and she hates to disappoint, but she is the messenger, and as such simply tells herself that it is none of her business.  All my questions about ethical dilemmas go out the window.  She might try to present the information she’s given in a sensitive way, but that’s as far as it goes.  The true line of information is between the client and their guides.

She tells me that of course she is interpreting, and a symbol can mean something to you that is different from the way she sees it, so she just does her best. Also, there’s the question of free will which complicates reading the future even further.  She sees a lot of potential, but people sabotage themselves through fear. She says to be careful of focusing on fear.  You can manifest it very easily if you’re not careful.  This makes me bristle (to see why, read my blog post “F@#$k the Laws of Attraction“), but I’ve heard it so many times that I let it go immediately.  The point is that people often have great potential which remains out of their reach, so she sees what is available, but you can always get in your own way.

Certain meetings and relationships are destined, but how we play it out is all us.  And when we die, we are choosing to.  With all of the tragedy I’ve witnessed, all the pain of lives lost, I have trouble with this, but she stands by it.

I want to know about ghosts.  She refers to them offhand, telling me about a dead girl who appeared at the foot of her bed the other night, like she’s describing the delicious pancakes she ate for breakfast. When ghosts appear to her, they come in one of three ways:  one, they look like you or me.  She knows they aren’t human because it feels like someone put their hands over her ears and there’s a whoosh! sound.   Sometimes she sees them in her head, and then sometimes they pixellate.  This, she calls an impression.

I tell her I would run screaming down the street if I were seeing that, and just the thought raises goosebumps up and down my arms.

I have always believed in reincarnation, and she does, too.  So how to explain the wandering spirits?  She says when we die, especially suddenly, there’s a seamless shift in consciousness, and sometimes we don’t know we’re dead.  Especially if a person is lacking in spiritual connection, they can have a hard time letting go, and can turn negative, wandering the earth in confusion.  This is one of the reasons that it is so important for people to cultivate their spirituality.

What about true evil, I ask.  What about demons?  Rare, she says.  She almost never encounters it.  Though I want to press on this point, she dismisses it, and moves on.

When we have crossed over, she says, we go to a place pleasant and familiar to us.  Then we sit down and have a life review (do you remember that movie with Albert Brooks and Meryl Streep, Defending Your Life?  That’s sort of what I’m picturing here).  She says that her closest experience of it came when she was reading for a client who was about to cross over.  When looking at his future, she saw him actually sitting at a table of people.They were in the midst of discussing his life and progress, and he was deciding whether or not to reincarnate.

She explains that incarnation on earth is a choice.  It’s boot camp, she says, and she laughs.  She tells me to look around.  Everyone on earth is brave, she says.  It’s the rapid soul progress program.  We don’t have to come here.  We can hang out on the other side as long as we want.  Maybe we’re waiting for loved ones, or maybe we’re just recuperating.  She says she actually believes those who have suffered greatly are cocooned in love before they even have their life review, and that this can go on a while.  Also there is no time, so there’s that (I have to bite my lip not to ask all about that, but for us, there is time, and the clock is ticking).

So why would we choose to come here, with all of the suffering?

She says we have feelings, tactile abilities on earth that don’t exist on the “ethereal plane”.  She says their sensations on the other side amount to a sort of goosebumpy sensation, and that we get to do so much more here.  Also, like she said before, we learn the most the fastest on earth.

Again, this challenges what I was raised to believe, that we have 49 days to get through the bardo (for an idea of what that looks like, think Flatliners), and then we are flung back into an earthly form until we stop being petty humans and attain enlightenment.

This sitting at a table and discussing potential areas of improvement sounds infinitely more enjoyable.

What if you’re a murderer?  What if you have committed atrocities? Is there retribution? No, she says.  It’s all evolution.  We’re just all at different stages of it, and when we cross over, we have to look at our behaviors but the guilt and judgment we experience as humans are nonexistent.

This makes me so uncomfortable.  I want there to be payment for injustice, but she sticks to her statement.  She says it like she knows for sure that it’s true.  No judgment.  Period.  Only love.

And as for the angels, when they come to her they are at such a high vibration that they can almost hurt her with their intensity.  She says they are moved by our humanity, by the strength of our emotions, and by all of our earthly obstacles.  They only want to help.

So how does she navigate her own path?  She says she walks it pretty blind.  She’s a human woman having all of her own human experiences.  She just doesn’t have a lot of the same questions we do.  She doesn’t wonder about the afterlife, or our purpose here on earth.  She tells me we’re here for ascension.  I’d like to ask her more about what that means, but we are out of time, so I let it go as a lofty concept that some will understand, and that seems hazy to me.  She knows that she is here to serve and that she does her best; 2010 has been a hard year, and that she hopes 2011 will be better. As always, she shoots for the best and ends on a high note.

Christiana is a practicing Intuitive Medium, available for individual readings by phone or in person.Please feel free to set up an appointment today by email atchristianamcmahon8@gmail.com
@ 713-412-6254

Christiana is a spiritual clairvoyant medium whose gift allows her to tap into a cosmic intelligence that transcends and melds the boundary between physical and spiritual existence. She, in turn, translates this intelligence into the specific, accurate and down-to-earth guidance that helps her clients to deal positively with their past, present and future problems and aspirations.
Her governing conviction is that the heart is the only true compass to follow towards living an authentic, dynamic life. And her straightforward, compassionate method lends credibility and integrity to a profession that she passionately believes can create peace, harmony and healing in all human hearts.